~ The Rubric ~

Photo by Charles Moore

Court Cases

Civil Rights Advocates

 Voting & Civil Rights Acts & Amendments

 Womens' Rights



4 Exemplary 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Beginning
Documentation of Events At least six significant events are present. This includes date and description. At least five significant events are present. This includes date and description. At least three significant events are present. This includes date and description. Less than three significant events are present. _______
Accuracy All dates indicated on timeline are correct and in proper sequence. One of the dates or sequences is out of order. Two of the dates or sequences are out of order. Three of the dates or sequences are out of order. _______
Requirements Goes beyond the requirements of the timeline. Meets the requirements of the timeline.

Does not meet the requirements of the timeline

Legibility Legible handwriting, typing or printing. Marginally legible handwriting, typing, or printing. Writing is not legible in places. Writing is not legible. _______
Total _______

Writing and timeline rubrics adapted from rubrics

4 Exemplary 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Beginning
Organization Information is in a logical, interesting sequence. Reader can follow the flow of writing. Information is in a logical sequence. Reader can follow the flow of writing. Sequence is illogical, student jumps around. Readers have difficulty following the flow of information. Sequence of events is diffucult to follow. _______
Content Knowledge Student demonstrates range and depth of required knowledge required and goes beyond what is required. Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Student is uncomfortable with content, but is able to demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts. Student does not have grasp of information. Student does not / cannot answer questions about the subject. _______
Grammar and Spelling Presentation has not misspellings or grammatical errors. Work has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Work has four or more spelling erros or grammatical errors.

Work has no more than three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. _______
Neatness Work is done neatly. Work has one or two areas that are sloppy or illegilble. Work has three or four areas that are sloppy and /or illegible. Writing is illegible. _______
References Work correctly writes and documents the required number of references. Reference section is coompleted correctly. Work does not have the required number of references. Work has no references. _______
Total ______


4 Exemplary 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Beginning
Organization Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Student presenta information in a logical sequence which audience can follow. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. _______
Content Knowledge Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration. Student is a ease with content but fails to elaborate. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. _______
Visuals Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation. Visuals related to text and presentation.

Student occasionally used visuals that rarely support text and presentation.

Student used no visuals. _______
Delivery Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms. Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. _______
Total _______


4 Exemplary! 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Beginning
Documentation of Events
  • The exhibit covers all bulleted points in the assigned topic well, images are present and appropriately.
  • The exhibit covers all bulleted points in the assigned topic well, images are mostly present.
    The exhibit covers most of the bulleted points in the assigned topic well. Images are missing from most events and descriptions.
    The exhibit fails to cover several bulleted points in the assigned topic.
    Dates and descriptions do not accompany items or are inaccurate or confusing.
    Accuracy Accurate dates and descriptions accompany each item
    Accurate dates and generally accurate descriptions accompany each item.
    Accurate dates and description accompany most items.
    Accurate dates and description accompany most items.


  • Visual and written materials are appropriate and demonstrate a group effort.
  • Visual and written materials are appropriate and demonstrate group effort.

    Visual and written materials are generally appropriate to the time.
    Visual and written materials are not appropriate and are uninteresting.
    Objectives Met

    (Presentation and Paper)

    Analysis and development of the Civil Rights Rights and/or Voting Rights was presented by sequencing in a timeline and three cause and effect aspects were discussed in the paper. Analysis and development of the Civil Rights Rights and/or Voting Rights was presented by sequencing in a timeline and two cause and effect aspects were discussed in the paper. Analysis and development of the Civil Rights Rights and/or Voting Rights was was presented by sequencing in a timeline and one cause and effect aspect was discussed in the paper. Writing is not legible. _______
    Total _______