The Timeline
Timeline Template
- Create a template of a timeline.
- Identify a decade between 1750 and 1950.
- Identify one primary source quote to describe the era.
- Identify the prevailing art movement of the era.
- Identify relevant art examples before and after the chosen decade.
- Locate visual examples of the art movement.
- Include and identify major historical and political movements.
- Include and identify major literary and musical works.
- Include and identify major scientific and technological advances.
- 1. Three to five page term paper that defends the statement: How does an art movement reflect the history of its time?
- Outline: Thesis statement: What is art?
- Definition of the identified art movement.
- An understanding of the prevailing concepts.
- Connections to history
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- 2. Defense of Thesis
- 3. Re-teaching component
- 4. Presentation