2. The Fair Use rule of copyright law explains ________.

A. when free use of copyrighted material is unacceptable.

B. when free use of copyrighted material is acceptable.


3. Dependency on technology is one of the ________________ impacts of technology on the workplace.

A. positive

B. negative


4. Which of the following is a positive impact of technology on society?

A. Global deterioration

B. Decreased human interaction

C. Staying connected

D. Inactive lifestyles


5. Efficiency is one of the ________________ impacts of technology on the workplace.

A. negative

B. positive


7. The digital divide is an economic ________________ between groups, broadly construed, in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of information and communication technologies.

A. abnormality

B. inequality

C. equality

D. normalcy


8. Plagiarism is the _____________ of someone else's words or ideas and presenting them as your own.

A. rewording

B. remixing

C. borrowing

D. stealing


9. Select the item below that can be protected by a copyright:

A. Facts

B. Music

C. Ideas


10. A digital native is a person who has been exposed to technology at a(n) ____________________ and is comfortable using it.

A. school

B. home

C. old age

D. young age


12. Intellectual property is the works, inventions or creations of an individual, group or business.

A. False

B. True


15. A ____________ conviction in a cyberbullying case may result in the offender paying restitution to the

victim's family.

A. criminal

B. civil


16. People who have _____________ fields of experience are more likely to understand one another.

A. Different

B. Identical

C. Special

D. Similar


17. During active listening, "receiving" is the process of:

A. Focusing on the information you've received.

B. Restating the information you have received.

C. Interpreting the meaning of the communication.

D. Taking in all of the information about the communication.


18. During active listening, "recalling" is the process of:

A. Interpreting the meaning of the communication.

B. Taking in all of the information about the communication.

C. Restating the information you have received.

D. Focusing on the information you've received.


19. What is the fifth and last step in communication planning?

A. Outline the communication for delivery

B. Clarify objectives

C. Determine the best channel of communication

D. Determine the purpose of the message

E. Identify the audience



21. What is the first step in communication planning?

A. Determine the best channel of communication

B. Identify the audience

C. Outline the communication for delivery

D. Determine the purpose of the message

E. Clarify objectives


22. Understanding in communication is achieved when:

A. All of the involved parties agree on the shared meaning of a message.

B. Some of the involved parties agree on the shared meaning of a message.

C. Most of the involved parties agree on the shared meaning of a message.

D. None of the involved parties agree on the shared meaning of a message.


23. What is the second step in communication planning?

A. Identify the audience

B. Determine the purpose of the message

C. Determine the best channel of communication

D. Clarify objectives

E. Outline the communication for delivery


25. Which of the following is a poor communication technique?

A. Not being fully engaged

B. Speaking clearly and enunciating

C. Preparing for the communication

D. Being fully engaged


26. Verbal communication helps a person develop and ________________ relationships with others.

A. maintain

B. identify

C. destroy

D. define



28. Verbal communication is the use of _____________ and ______________ to relay a message.

A. gestures, sounds

B. signs, language

C. sounds, language

D. language, gestures


29. What is the purpose of verbal communication?

A. To clarify a thought

B. To relay messages to one or more receivers

C. To relay messages to one or more senders

D. To understand a thought


30. A __________ part of our communication is nonverbal.

A. non-existing

B. medium

C. large

D. small


32. Which of the following is a possible barrier to communication?

A. Similar backgrounds

B. Thought process

C. Poor communication techniques

D. Appearance


33. Haptics is communicating through ___________.

A. eye movements

B. words

C. sounds

D. touch


34. Culture impacts how you communicate verbally and how you interpret verbal communication.

A. True

B. False


35. Which eye signal can help you determine a person's intent in a situation?

A. Pupil size

B. Blinking

D. Eye contact


37. Which of the following describes an Open communication style?

A. Fast-paced and assertive; can be argumentative

B. Readily expresses emotions, thoughts, and feelings without holding back in any way

C. Very deliberate; provide very accurate, carefully thought-out results

D. Tends to hold back on giving away too much information that may reveal their inner nature

  38. What helps bring collaborators together?

A. Friendships

B. Good moral values

C. Good ideas

D. Shared values


40. Which of the following is a reason collaboration is important?

A. To please company stakeholders

B. To satisfy customers

C. To help an organization grow

D. To Make people who don't like working alone happy


41. Which of the following is usually known for their aggressive, competitive natures?

A. Thinker

B. Socializer

C. Director

D. Relator


42. What is one way to reduce poor communication?

A. Learn to flex to other communication styles

B. Know everything about your communication style

C. Learn to flex to one other communication style

D. Ignore communication styles altogether


44. A communication style is ____________________.

A. the preferred way you share information with others

B. the preferred way you speak to others

C. the preferred language someone likes to use

D. the primary way others share information with you


45. Which of the following describes an Indirect communication style?

A. Tends to hold back on giving away too much information that may reveal their inner nature

B. Very deliberate; provide very accurate, carefully thought-out results

C. Readily expresses emotions, thoughts, and feelings without holding back in any way

D. Fast-paced and assertive; can be argumentative


46. Which of the following tips applies to maintaining constructive relationships?

A. Acknowledge problems openly and honestly

B. Look for improvement opportunities

C. Recognize accomplishments

D. Follow through on your responsibilities

E. Remain objective

47. In business, which of the following tones should be part of every written communications?

A. Vague

B. Sarcastic

C. Funny

D. Polite


48. Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic questions you should answer before writing any business communication?

A. What tone should be used?

B. Who is the audience?

C. What is the purpose?

D. What font should be used?


49. In business writing, which item DOES NOT drive tone?

A. Sentence structure

B. Paragraph length

C. Font style

D. Word choice


50. In business writing, which statement best describes "tone?"

A. The information given to the audience

B. The visual look and feel of document

C. The length of the document

D. The attitude shown towards the audience


51. Where should you put a call to action in a business letter?

A. In the Closing

B. In the Body's Conclusion

C. In the Body's Introduction

D. In the Salutation


52. What phase of the writing process should someone review your material?

A. Editing

B. Drafting

C. Revising

D. Prewriting

53. What phase of the writing process would you answer the three basic questions concerning audience,

purpose and tone?

A. Editing

B. Prewriting

C. Revising

D. Drafting


54. What phase of the writing process do you create a rough copy of the material?

A. Prewriting

B. Editing

C. Drafting

D. Revising


56. In a business letter, which of the following is the BEST salutation when you are not sure who will be

reading the letter?

A. To Whom It May Concern:

B. Ladies and Gentlemen:

C. Dear Organization:


58. Your contact information is an optional part of the signature in a business letter?

A. True

B. False


59. Which of the following is the BEST or MOST important tip for writing a good e-mail body?

A. Focus on a several important topics

B. Keep the email message short

C. Restate the main purpose in the closing sentence.

D. Use multiple paragraph


61. What is the least amount of information that should be included in a signature for a business email?

A. A closing and your name

B. Your name and contact information

C. A closing, your name and contact information


62. What is a salutation?

A. An announcement

B. A declaration

C. A greeting

D. A closing


63. In a business email, it is OK to leave the Subject Line in the header blank.

A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe


64. Which list shows the correct order for the steps in the writing process? A. B. C. D.





65. Cyberbullying is the use of Information Technology to harm or harass other people in a _______________,

repeated, and hostile manner.

A. unconscious

B. inappropriate

C. accidental

D. deliberate


66. To whom should you report cyberbullying?

A. Friends

B. Authority figures

C. Church members

D. Classmates


67. Does a company have the right to monitor all your digital communications if you are using their


A. No

B. Yes


68. If your friends are involved in cyberbullying, you should

A. ask them to stop.

B. join in the fun.

C. hope it goes away.

D. ignore it.


69. Asking questions are important to determining the best use of digital communication because they help

me think _______________________, which helps me make better decisions.

A. after taking action

B. about past actions

C. while taking action

D. before taking action


70. Visiting Internet sites that are prohibited by an employer could result in consequences up to and

including termination.

A. True

B. False


71. Cyberbullying is protected by Freedom of Speech.

A. True

B. False


72. Confidential and proprietary information is information that ______________ be shared outside of the company without prior consent.

A. should

B. is allowed to

C. can

D. should not


73. Is making hateful comments about someone through emails, blogs, on-line profiles, or chat rooms

considered a method of cyberbullying?

A. No

B. Yes


74. Before I post something on-line that is critical about someone, one of the questions I should ask myself is, "Am I doing this because of a(n) _______________________?"

A. emotional reaction

B. great idea

C. peer pressuring me

D. rumor


75. What type of identity theft occurs when a thief uses someone's Social Security Number (SSN) to file

taxes or reap other benefits?

A. Financial

B. Medical

C. Criminal

D. Governmental


76. Julia receivesan email from an unknown source. The subject of the email looks strange and it has an

attachment. What should Julia do?

A. Respond to the email

B. Delete the email

C. Forward the email

D. Open the attachment


77. A ____________ attaches itself to a file or program, enabling it to spread from one computer to another.

A. worm

B. computer virus


78. What type of identity theft occurs when a thief spends another person's money or opens a line of credit

in their name?

A. Governmental

B. Medical

C. Criminal

D. Financial


79. ____________ is the act of breaking into a computer to steal information.

A. Lifting

B. Identity theft

C. Hacking

D. Safe-cracking


80. Hiring managers and college admissions officers are some of the people who use social media and

other Internet resources to research candidates for employment.

A. False

B. True


81. How are digital assets and digital footprints related?

A. Digital assets and digital footprints are not related

B. Digital footprints create digital assets

C. Digital assets and digital footprints are the same

D. Digital assets create digital footprints


82. A digital footprint is all of the information on-line about a person posted by that person or others,


A. recklessly

B. intentionally

C. unintentionally or accidentally

D. intentionally or unintentionally


83. Malware is software that has _______________.

A. faster speed

B. positive intent

C. malicious intent

D. poor behavior


84. Protecting what is added to your digital footprint is important because potentially embarrassing

information can remain on-line ___________.

A. until removed

B. forever

C. up to 6 months

D. until it is forgotten


85. Free Wi-Fi is typically offered on a(n) __________ network.

A. open

B. private

C. encrypted

D. unencrypted


86. Identity theft is when someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data, typically

for economic gain.

A. True

B. False


87. Is "Ih@%eC@ts!" a strong password?

A. Yes

B. No


88. Antivirus software is a computer program that _____________, prevents, and takes action to disarm or remove malicious software programs.

A. deters

B. avoids

C. approves

D. detects


89. Ryan receives an email from his cousin Mike. The subject of the email looks strange and it has an

attachment. What should Ryan do?

A. Open the attachment

B. Respond to the email

C. Delete the email

D. Ask Mike if he sent the email